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Al Muslimeen Foundation (AMF)

Tertiary Education at Your Fingertips

Al Muslimeen Foundation (AMF) is a Non-Profit Company (NPC) established in order to create opportunities that will uplift and empower you and communities throughout South Africa. We are coaborating with the International Open University (IOU), previously known as Islamic Online University, to bring you affordable tertiary education. For South Africans, it could mean paying more or less R10,000 for your full, 4 years, tuition.

Taking into account our current economic climate - we are aware that a tertiary qualification is still not within reach for many. For this reason, IOU is offering
1 Million Scholarships for African Youth to assist those who cannot afford the registration fees.

Take advantage of this opportunity!

Apply Now

Courses are offered at Certificate, Associate Degree and Bachelor's Degree levels in the following areas of study:

image of synaps and psychology associations alluding to IOU pschology online degree
laptop with economic pie chart and graph alluding to IOU islamic economics online degree
chalkboard and desk with books alluding to IOU education online degree
desk with business documents and laptop signifying IOU business admin online degree
ibn katheer tafseer books alluding to IOU Islamic studies online degree
micro processor alluding to IOU information technology online degree
arabic language alluding to IOU arabic online degree

Benefits of studying with IOU

• All our classes are taught in English
• Highly qualified teachers to assist you in each subject
• Classes are completely online with flexible time slots, so you can study from home
• Regular reviews with tests and assignments
• Certificate after you complete the Degree program
• We have also partnered with other organisations and individuals to establish learning centres in South Africa for those who require additional support and resources i.e. facilities, study groups, access to internet, etc.

Help us make a difference...

Some of our other initiatives include: social welfare projects, as well as peaceful propagation of Islam - debunking common misconceptions about Muslims and promoting unity and tolerance in a multicultural society. Learn more

Social Media Links

al muslimeen foundation instagram social media link
al muslimeen foundation facebook social media link

Bank Details

Bank: Standard Bank
Acc Holder: Al Muslimeen Foundation
Branch Code: 00020500
Account Number: 10092917974
Account Type: Cheque
Contact Details

Cell: 083 255 0586/ 0761543130
78 St Helens Avenue,
Mayfair West, 2092